Watch Online / Commedia dell'Arte: The Story the Style (2007)
Desc: Commedia dell'Arte: The Story the Style: Directed by Richard Di Gregorio, Niniane Le Page. With Chris Broadstock, Natasha Broadstock, Craig Chisholm, Gerard Cogley. Journeying back to the dawn of Italian theater, this program unmasks the intriguing and often under appreciated tradition known as commedia dell' arte. Viewers will discover the history of Italian masked theater, the origins of commedia dell' arte and its various iterations, and the nature of its performers' improvised style. The program explains how the tradition's inspired characters-Pantalone, Colombina, Pulcinella, and many others-evolved and rose to prominence in the hearts and minds of 16th, 17th, and 18th-century audiences. It also illustrates how Italian masked troupes influenced countless other cultures as they performed across Europe, thus shaping the theatrical sensibility of western society as a whole.